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Summer 2024
8th grade students and parents who are interested in registering for Summer School need to complete the Request for Summer School Form no later than May TBD. Be sure to use a personal email/parent email (not a student user id) so that you receive a copy of your request (check spam if you do not receive as it comes from Google). 
Please see the document linked below for a Summary of Summer School dates, times and location which should answer most Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions, please reach out to your School Counselor and/or Mrs. Summers, our Guidance Tech.

9th Grade Registration

Tesoro High School Student Presentation for 8th Grader - Monday, January 13, 2025.
The Tesoro High School Guidance Department visited our 8th grade students to discuss electives & PE options offered for 9th grade.  Check out this link to view the presentation:  Tesoro High School Registration Presentation to 8th Grade
Tesoro High School Showcase & Open House is Monday, January 27, 2025 from 4:30 - 8 pm for incoming 9th Grade students and families. Please see the link here for their Flyer
The schedule for the evening will be as follows:
  • 4:30-6:00 pm Academic Showcase, Campus Tours, Open Classrooms, Club & Organization spotlight, VAPA Performances
  • 6:00-7:00 pm Pep Rally & Guidance Presentation in Large Gym
  • 7:00-8:00 pm Athletics & Visual & Performing Arts Showcase in Both Gyms and Food Court
For more information, please check the Tesoro Guidance webpage designed specifically for current 8th graders.  
Parents of students from Tesoro feeder schools or interested in attending Tesoro through School of Choice are invited to attend.


All 8th grade students attending any Capistrano Unified High School are required to activate their AERIES Student Portal Account to input their elective & PE/Sports selections for 9th grade.
For 8th graders going to Tersoro High School 2025-2026, the portal will open January 28, 2025 to begin selecting classes and will close on February 28, 2025.  If you miss your Tesoro elective registration, you will need to email your Las Flores School Counselor or Guidance Tech.   Tesoro High School Freshman Registration Flyer  
Here's the instructions to choose electives for 9th grade:  Choosing Electives Instructions-9th Grade 2025-26
The Student Portal is open January 28, 2025-February 28, 2025 to make selections.
PLEASE NOTE:  A student portal account is DIFFERENT than a parent portal account.
Here are the instructions to activate a Student Portal:  Student Portal Instructions
To create a Parent Portal, please follow these instructions:
  • Click here:  Parent & Student Portal
  • At the bottom of this login box, Click on “Create a New Account”
  • Click on "Parent" 
  • Follow instructions and create an account.
  • Any questions, please contact Mrs. Summers at


Students may challenge their placement in any course if they do not meet the specified placement criteria by completing the Course Waiver Form and arranging a meeting with their High School Academic Advisor or Assistant Principal during summer registration.
Below are the CUSD placement guidelines. Course offerings differ at each high school site and not all courses may be offered at your home school.
High School Placement Guidelines
Honors English I - Students in English 8 Accelerated who maintain a four quarter 3.5 GPA  or students in English 8 with a four quarter 4.0 GPA will qualify for Honors English I.  All other students shall be placed in English I.

AP Human Geography (formerly Honors World History) - Students who qualify for Honors English I qualify for placement in this course.  Students may select this as an additional elective. 

This class is designed to prepare students for the rigors of AP classes their Sophomore Year.  9th Grade Students registering for and completing this course will automatically be enrolled in AP Euro or AP World History in 10th Grade).
AP World History -   Concurrent enrollment in Honors English 1.
AP Human Geography -   Concurrent enrollment in Honors English 1.

Astronomy - Students who do not pass Science 8 may be placed in this course.  This course meets CUSD graduation requirements only but is a non college prep course that does not meet the A-G requirements for college admissions.


Biology - All freshman shall be enrolled in this course.
Honors Biology  -  Students who achieve both an A or B in 8th grade Algebra or higher and A in 8th grade Science  and an A or B in 8th grade English Acc or A in 8th grade English**  All other students with a passing grade in Science 8 (A, B, C, or D) shall be placed in Biology.
**Subject to change.
AP Biology - *9th grade enrollment may be possible; contact Assistant Principal of Guidance.

Physical Education - All 9th grade students must be enrolled in a full year of PE Activities or sport. Students will not be placed into 'tryout sports' until tryouts are completed and lists provided by respective sport coaches.


Health - One semester course to be taken by all freshmen.  Students will pair this course with another semester elective or they may choose to take health during the summer. There may be additional options to take health after school hours (or during lunch) during the school year following their freshman year.

Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry - Current eighth grade students in Geometry who meet the placement criteria shall be placed into this course.  Those not meeting the placement criteria shall be placed into Geometry. See CUSD Math Department webpage for placement criteria.


Geometry - Current eighth grade students in Algebra I who meet who meet the placement criteria shall be placed into this course.  Those not meeting the placement criteria shall be placed into Algebra I. See CUSD Math Department webpage for placement criteria. into Algebra I.
Algebra I - All students currently in Math 8 and current eighth grade Algebra I students not meeting the placement criteria for Geometry shall be placed in this course.
Guidelines for summer math courses for acceleration purposes:
Since Algebra 1 is a graduation requirement,  students will not be allowed to take Algebra 1 over the summer for acceleration purposes.
Although not recommended, current Grade 8 or higher Algebra 1 students are allowed to take a two-semester/one-year Geometry course over the summer for accelerated purposes at any WASC-accredited school (this option is not available for current Grade 7 Algebra 1 students).  
Although not recommended, current Grade 9-11 Geometry students are allowed to take a two-semester/one-year Algebra 2 course over the summer for acceleration purposes at any WASC-accredited school.  This option is not available for current Grade 8 Geometry students.  Students who take this course would qualify to enroll in Precalculus (regular), but not Honors Precalculus.
Although not recommended, current Grade 9-11 Algebra 2/Trig (acc) students are allowed to take the Math 2 course over the summer at Saddleback College.  Students who take this course would qualify to enroll in AP Calculus AB, but not AP Calculus BC.  (Note:  Students would need to follow Saddleback College’s policies for math placement at the college.)
Other requests for summer acceleration courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Please see the CUSD Math department webpage for more information. 
Students will need to provide their high school counselor with transcripts that they have passed both semesters of the summer course they took PRIOR to the start of the school year in order to be transferred to the next higher math course.
Foreign Language Placement Test
Entering freshman who want to place into a higher level foreign language class in Mandarin, German, French or Spanish should contact the language department at their high school for information regarding a placement test. NOTE: Foreign language offerings vary by high school.
NOTE: You do not need to take a placement test for Spanish 2 if you have successfully completed Spanish 1 or Spanish 1a and 1b at Las Flores.
For further Information on High School courses offered at CUSD High Schools refer to the  CUSD High School Course Catalog.