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Coping with Family Divorce/Separation

Resource Guides on How to Tell Children about Divorce: The following links provide an age by age guide and strategies on how to tell your child about your separation or divorce.
The following Resources share information about how divorce may impact a child at varying ages and strategies and tips on how to help them cope.
Healthy Divorce - This guide shares how a healthy divorce may help children adjust better than a separation or divorce that is contentious.
Children and Divorce - A guide to knowing how to support your child through emotional struggles experienced as a result of the divorce or separation and when to seek help.
Answering Tough Questions  -  This guide helps prepare you for the tough questions children may ask about your divorce or separation.
Learning About How to Help a Child Cope with Divorce - How children of various ages may react to your divorce and how to help them cope with it.
The Best Possible Thing You Can Do to Help Your Child Through Divorce  - How to help your child not feel torn between parents.
Kids Can Be Happy After Divorce: Here’s How Parents Make it Happen   - Help your child (and yourself) be resilient after the divorce.