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Summer Registration Information

New CUSD Student Enrollment Information

New CUSD Student Enrollment Information
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Tuesday, August 19, 2025

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Tuesday, August 19, 2025

Registration Packet Pickup Dates:


July 22 & 24  9:00am - 12:00 pm

July 23  4:00pm - 7:00pm
You may drive through the drop off/pick-up lanes where our PTSA will be handing out packets in the drop off/pick-up lane.  If you are not available during these times, you may pick up a packet from the front office after July 29th during office hours.
Summer Office Hours:
Monday, July 28th - Thursday, July 31st: 8 am - 12 pm
Friday, August 1st - Monday August 18th: 8 am - 3 pm (Closed for lunch from 12 - 1pm)
Registration dates:
Wednesday, Aug. 6th (date to be confirmed)
Last names A - Gr : 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Last names  Gu - Pa : 10:15 am to 11:45 am
Lunch break from 11:45-12:45
Last names Pe - Z: 12:45 pm to 2:15 pm
Make-ups : 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
If you are unable to attend during the above assigned times, you can stop by the school office any time AFTER the above date to turn in the required paperwork before the start of school and to pick up your child's textbooks/locker assignment, order PE clothes, etc.
  • Wednesday 08/13/2024 - Time - 1:00 - 3:00 pm  (date to be confirmed)
  • Check-in at the Multi-Purpose Room on the parking lot side.
New Parent Orientation:
  • Wednesday 08/13/2024 - Time - 1:15-2:00 pm (date to be confirmed)
  • Amphitheatre (Lower lunch tables - elementary side of campus)
For information or questions, please email Mrs. Summers at
  1. Drop off required forms: 
-Data Confirmation Form
You will need to print a copy of your data confirmation form after following the directions on the outside of the registration envelope. Print this from your computer after you have gone through the confirmation process. This is a REQUIRED form for registration. You will not be allowed to register without it.
-McKinney Vento Form
-Migrant Education Contract
-Free/Reduced Lunch Application ( if applicable)
2. Books:
Turn in books from last year if you have not already done so. If you are missing a book please bring cash or check to pay this debt.
3. Obtain Schedule of Classes:
A list of class courses will be available at registration with your child's assigned locker information.  Class schedules with teachers/periods will not be available until after 4 pm on Friday, August 15th on the Parent Aeries Portal.  Follow this link to log into your Aeries Portal.
4. Meetings with school counselors:
Counselors will not be available for drop-ins during registration. If you have questions or need a schedule change, you may inquire at the schedule change information table with Mrs. Summers, Guidance Technician and complete a Schedule Change request form. These forms will also be available in the front office after registration. Counselors will notify you if we are able to make a schedule change before school begins. If you have questions unrelated to a schedule change, please email/call your counselor or to schedule and appointment if needed. 
5. Yearbook - 
If you plan to order a yearbook, it may be pre-ordered at a discounted rate during registration.
6. Textbooks:
You will pick up your textbooks in the libary at the end of the registration process.  You will need your student ID and class schedule (which will be received earlier in the registration stations). 
7. PTSA Membership Donation/PE Clothes/Spirit Wear
PTSA will be available during registration to take orders for PE Clothes, Spirit Wear, Membership registration and accept donations for school activities.