Math Placement is determined at the district level. A letter regarding your student's current placement and the criteria for next year's placement will be (has been) sent home with your student.
A link to a summary of the criteria may be found here:
Math 7 Students who meet grade and final exam criteria will have the opportunity to sit an Algebra 1 Placement Test for placement into Algebra in 8th grade. If students wish to prepare for this placement exam, they should check the district website's Math Department Program study guides for topics to be covered (Algebra Placement Test Study Guide). They may also want to take a look at the Math 8 Final Exam and Math 7 Accelerated Final Exam study guides for practice problems that may be on the Algebra 1 Placement Test. Last year's Study Guides for these course are included in the Academic Locker below but you may also use the current year study guides that will be available on the district Math Department Programs webpage for additional practice problems.
Math Department
Paul Coppes | Teacher | |
James Delcamp | Teacher | |
Leann Masaitis | Teacher | |
Shelly McCusker | Teacher | |
Elsa Mendoza | Teacher | |
Daniel Monroy | Teacher | |
Michelle Wanders | Teacher |
Math 6
Students develop skills in computation as well as mathematical thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is based on the California Grade 6 Common Core Math Standards. Math 6 students will be enrolled in either Math 7 or Math 7 Acc in Grade 7, then in either Math 8 or Algebra 1 in Grade 8. Please review the current district policy for course placement criteria.
Math 7
Students develop skills in computation as well as mathematical thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is based on the California Grade 7 Common Core Math Standards. Math 7 students will be enrolled in either Math 8 or Algebra 1 in Grade 8. Please review the current district policy for course placement criteria.
Math 7 Accelerated
Grades 6 and 7 – One Year
Admission to this course in Grade 6 and in Grade 7 is based on a student meeting district-established criteria for each grade level.
Students develop skills in computation as well as mathematical thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is based on a combination of the California Grade 7 and Grade 8 Common Core Math Standards.
Students who successfully complete Math 7 Acc will be enrolled in Algebra 1 the following school year. Please review the current district policy for course placement criteria.
Math 8
Grade 8 – One Year
Students develop skills in computation as well as mathematical thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is based on the California Grade 8 Common Core Math Standards. Math 8 students will be enrolled in Algebra 1 in Grade 9.
Algebra 1
Grades 7 and 8 – One Year
Admission to this course in Grade 7 and in Grade 8 is based on a student meeting district-established criteria for each grade level.
This course will cover the first year of college preparatory math. The curriculum is based on the California Algebra 1 Content standards.
Students who successfully complete Algebra 1 will be enrolled in Geometry the following school year. Please review the current district policy for course placement criteria.
Students who successfully complete this course will receive one year of “course credit” toward meeting the mathematics requirement for college admission. Students will not however, receive “unit credit” toward meeting the required units for high school graduation. Grades shown on the 2nd quarter and 4th quarter reports are semester grades and will be shown on a student's high school transcript although neither the grade nor the credits are calculated toward the high school grade point average or credits earned. The course is shown as it meets the high school graduation requirement to pass Algebra I and one year of the college 'A-G' math requirement.
Grades 7 and 8 – One Year
Admission to this course in Grade 7 and in Grade 8 is based on successful completion of Algebra 1.
This course will cover the second year of college preparatory math. The curriculum is based on the California Geometry Content standards.
Students who successfully complete Geometry will be enrolled in Algebra 2/Trig (acc) the following school year.
Students who successfully complete this course will receive one year of “course credit” toward meeting the mathematics requirement for college admission. Students will not however, receive “unit credit” toward meeting the required units for high school graduation. Grades shown on the 2nd quarter and 4th quarter reports are semester grades and will be shown on a student's high school transcript although neither the grade nor the credits are calculated toward the high school grade point average or credits earned. The course is shown as it meets one year of the high school graduation requirement for math courses as well as one year of the college 'A-G' math requirement.
Click the link below to access the online textbooks:
User your School Login information to access textbooks, then select your textbook.
User Name: Your School Google user name
Password: Your School Google password
A list of Math Tutors is updated annually. Copies of the current Math Tutor list are available in the front office or from your Academic Advisor. Please pick up a copy or email your Academic Advisor for the most recent list of local tutors from Tesoro High School. The list includes the Math subject levels each tutor offers and the fees they charge. Tesoro National Honor Society (NHS) members also volunteer hours in the library after school most Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 at no cost to students.
The Board of Trustees desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district's academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any District school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.