California Department of Education:
The Board of Trustees desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district's academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any District school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
PE Department
Matt Atilano | Teacher |
Paul Coppes | Teacher |
Stephanie Goodwin | Teacher |
Todd Theurer | Teacher |
Physical Education
6th Grade
Length of Course: Year
Credits: 5 credits per quarter
Credits: 5 credits per quarter
The required physical education program for 6th grade students includes activities that support the California State Physical Education standards. The curriculum focuses on and supports students in developing their hand-eye coordination, foot-eye coordination, folk and line dance, rhythmics, stunts, tumbling, and coordinated movement and motor skills in lead up games. 6th grade students will also have a fitness component to their middle school experience and will be assessed under the California State Fitness Testing program.
Sixth grade students are required to take daily physical education per education code. Curriculum supports the California State Physical Education Content Standards. 6th grade focuses on the following:
- hand-eye skills (throwing and catching all kinds of objects),
- foot-eye skills (locomotor skills, kicking and punting),
- striking skills (using our hands, feet and levers),
- jump rope and folk and line dance for rhythmical skills
- rhythmic, stunts and tumbling
- coordinated movement and motor skills in lead up games
As a common assessment in 6th grade, students will have a fitness component to their middle school experience; this will be using the California State Fitness Tests as an assessment tool. Fitness and use of technology should be used to monitor and assess student learning throughout our units. There is a pre and post assessment to this component as well.
7th Grade
Length of Course: Year
Credits: 5 credits per quarter
State of California states 7th graders will emphasis the use of skills in a variety of activities/ games building on their foundation from 6th grade. In 7th grade Physical Education the levels will increase through bats, hockey, and golf. Students will create their own games as well as experience a variety of strategies and scoring systems. Dance is continued through the grades and this level performs multi-cultural dances from around the world. Students are introduced to our fitness center and learn to use all the machines, set goals and improve their muscular strength and endurance. CUSD had adopted 7th grade Power Standards that are in the process of being updated; here are some examples:
Five Components of Fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility and body composition:
- 3.1 Assessing Fitness
- 4.2 Identifying Activities
- Fitness for Life:
- 3.6 Maintain and monitor a fitness program
- 4.5 Nutrition
- Social Responsibility:
- 5.3 Demonstrate acceptance
- 5.4 Express encouragement
Physical Fitness Testing – 7th Grade PFT Testing in 7th grade.
The State of California uses our 7th graders to officially test physical fitness by using the Fitness-gram, which compares our results throughout the state. Fitness-gram testing is conducted in the spring in the following categories; mile run/shuttle run, curl-ups, push-ups, sit & reach, trunk lift and shoulder strength. These measure body composition, flexibility, upper body strength, vo2 max, cardiovascular strength and endurance which are developed through weekly mile runs and other cardio activities. We test at each grade level to track progress and proficiency. Students are also introduced to team sports and units may include soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, football and field hockey. Individual sports are also introduced such as tumbling and track and field.
8th Grade
Length of Course: Year
Credits: 5 credits per quarter
Credits: 5 credits per quarter
Eighth grade students are required to take daily physical education per education code. Curriculum supports the California State Physical Education Content Standards. 8th grade focuses on the following:
- Team sports
- Offensive and defensive strategies
- Traditional and Non Traditional sports and games
- Lifelong Fitness – Assessing performance and setting goals
- Building and developing content specific literacy
CUSD had adopted 8th Power Standards that are in the process of being updated; here are some examples:
Five Components of Fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility and body composition:
- 3.1 Assessing Fitness
- 3.4 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a minimum of four days each week
Fitness for Life:
- 4.1 Develop a two week physical fitness plan specifying the proper warm-up and cool-down activities and the principles of exercise for each of the five components of health-related physical fitness.
- 4.4 Identify and apply basic principles in weight / resistance training and safety practices
Social Responsibility:
- 5.2 Organize and work cooperatively with the group to achieve the goals of the group.
- 5.7 Model support towards individuals of all ability levels and encourage others to be supportive and inclusive of all individuals.
As a common assessment in 8th grade, students will have a fitness component to their middle school experience; this will be using the California State Fitness Tests as an assessment tool. Fitness and use of technology should be used to monitor and assess student learning throughout our units. There is a pre and post assessment to this component as well.
Independent PE qualifications are determined by the district.
Parents may access the IPE Application, Guidelines and Sports Qualifying Criteria by clicking on the links.
Applications will be screened for approval during late July/early August with an August 9, 2024 deadline for all packets to be received by our school site for Fall 2024. IPE Applications can be downloaded at the website linked above. Parents will need to provide a copy of the application along with additional supporting documentation required by the application process directly to the school site. Applications will not be considered complete until all items are provided and returned to their school site. All Independent Physical Education (IPE) applications must be submitted annually but new applications may be considered prior to the Spring semester (application window is usually first two weeks of December) and should be submitted no later than December 15th to your school's IPE coordinator.
The IPE Application is available to parents through the link below:
Please Note:
- After completing the application packet, supporting documentation, signatures etc., please return the IPE application packet to your school site for the year you are applying. Only the IPE application is required for Independent PE. You do NOT need to complete the Athletics Clearance or Physical for IPE. These documents are for School Sports Teams.
- IPE applications are not considered complete until parents return the completed application packet to the school site.
- CUSD will review the sports qualification criteria approval process annually.
- IPE applications will be screened for approval in late July/early August for applications submitted before mid-June.
- IPE applications submitted during August may not be approved before school begins though the school site will seek to approve as early as possible. Applications submitted during August will be reviewed in the order received.
- Approval notification, explanation of the IPE process and IPE expectations will be sent directly to families directly from the appropriate IPE teacher.
- Denials will be messaged from the school site and provide follow up assistance.
- Verification of Ranking, if unsure, see Sports Qualifications – Provide a current and verifiable rank of national or equivalent level, or must provide evidence of individual competition/performance at an exceptional level, generally equivalent to a national level. Highlight what is qualifying your student for IPE. (Scores/Times).
- Requests for IPE must be approved by school site Administration or district administrator.
- Students requesting placement in IPE may first be enrolled in a physical education class. The student is to continue to attend and participate in that class until the IPE application has been approved and the student's schedule reflects enrollment in the course.
- The IPE sport must be a regularly scheduled instructional activity meeting each week during the semester under the ongoing supervision of a qualified instructor. Student must complete each semester. If a student stops participating in the approved sport during the school year, parents must notify the school site so the student may be placed back into a regular P.E. course.
- A grade for (IPE) will be calculated based on scores from the Online P.E. Course (assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams). Also, by sport activity hours, called “Activity Logs” where verification is submitted monthly to the Online Instructor, this (can include practices and competition). Failure to turn in monthly work samples will result in grade penalty and possible removal from the Online IPE program.
- Students must maintain a satisfactory academic status with a minimum 2.0 G.P.A., and have regular attendance, satisfactory campus and classroom behavior to remain in Online IPE.
- If an athlete cannot actively participate in IPE for more than ten consecutive days because of injury or some other reason, he/she must notify site Admin. (to discuss options).
- Students must be off-campus and under parent or guardian supervision during their Online IPE period.
- Students who have qualified for and have been officially enrolled in IPE will receive the same opportunity to have absences excused for sanctioned and documented competitions related to their sport as any other athlete. It's always best to notify teachers prior to an absence to collect work.
- Independent Physical Education may only be accommodated on the student schedule at the beginning or end of the school day based upon the schedule of the school.
You may review the current sports qualification by reviewing the district website's Indpendent Physical Education page. These may be subject to change annually.