Drop Off/Pick Up
The following are a few reminders to keep the parking areas safe for students and drivers during drop-off and pick-up times:
- When utilizing the parking lot, wait until you enter the lot before dropping off or picking up your child. Please pull as far forward as you can before picking up or dropping off.
- Pay close attention to the staff members directing traffic. They do everything in their power to keep the students safe and the traffic flow moving.
- Do not make u-turns anywhere on Sweetwater. Please do not park along the red curb on the cul-de-sac area on Sweetwater.
- Please enter the ramp off Antonio single-file and remain in a single-file line until you exit the parking lot.
- If you enter the parking lot off Sweetwater, remain in a single-file line until after you exit the parking lot.
- The bus circle is for buses and parents picking up students with medical needs.
- Oso Parkway is not a student pick up or drop off area.
Please be patient, courteous, and cautious.